Does anyone want Donald Trump to be the next US President? It would appear so, oddly enough. There’s no doubt that he he’s been super successful as a business man with an estimated fortune in excess of $5 Billion – and anywhere up to $9 Billion, depending on your source.
Even with his business success, could the American people really vote in someone with his personality traits? I would love to say this could never happen however he has support – and more than anyone could have guessed he would be able to drum up. Whilst he has the intelligence of former presidents, any positive characteristics he shares are so exaggerated, they often come across offensive, lacking in respect and non-credible. Whether he will make it all the way, remains to be seen. The bookies certainly have their views. They have Clinton as their favorite at close to 70%, with Trump trailing with 20%.
So where does online gaming sit on the political spectrum and more importantly, is Donald Trump a supporter of legalizing online poker and online gaming?
Back in 2011 Trump made it clear to Forbes that he was a supporter of the internet game and that ‘it was about time for the United States to collect the revenue that online gambling could provide’. He has stated more recently that he look to turn things round. He estimated that some $40 Million would be lost over a 10 year period and was keen to keep that money inside US borders. Not a surprising stance from a man in his shoes. But as he clearly is an advocate of online gambling, is this gaining him support? Almost certainly it is, however many of the forums suggest that as much as they want the like likes of online poker back in the US, it's not enough to give Trump their vote.
When we consider gambling institutions such as those who run poker rooms online, they obviously want the US traffic back. Those that were around in 2011 when the online poker community was shaken up (known as Black Friday), took a real hit in terms of traffic, with the knock on loss of the US market. Whilst this might not be enough to openly state support for Trump, it would be a massive boost for their businesses. For the average man and woman, the temptation of legalizing online gaming could certainly swing a vote - combined with the fact that Trump is seen as a breath of fresh air by many due to his unorthodox 'say it as you see it' approach.
For many outside of the US who see the US as having a big part to play in both the global economy and the global peace effort, they have a different view. We all know that at time, politicians seem to give us the same old party line nonsense. From that perspective I can understand why a man who just tells it as he sees it could be seen as a breath of fresh air - but not one running for the White House.
Trump might be able to make gains in the US economy - after all he is an astute business man. But how could faith be put in a man who is in favour for a complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States? If you heard someone in power saying ‘it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass’ or ‘It’s freezing and snowing in New York – we need global warming!’, you would be concerned - and rightly so.
These are not the views you would want coming out the mouth of the world’s most powerful man. A man that would play a massive part in world stabilisation and global warming efforts, to name a few. It wasn't all plain sailing for Trump. When asked about his numerous bankruptcies and how that affected him, he replied "I came out great, but I guess I'm supposed to come out great. That's what I'm supposed to do for the country," he said. "We owe $19 trillion. Boy, am I good at solving debt problems. Nobody can solve it like me."
One way to tackle the debt problem is to step back as a key player in maintaining global stabilisation and fighting the war on terror, all of which costs the US a lot of money. Would he legalize online gambling? Quicker than you could ask the question, if he had his way. His obsession with money may be good for the economy however people in power need to be able to see past the dollar sign at times. Many of the things the US does might not be good for their underlying balance sheet but it is good globally. Could a man obsessed with money be able to take a lead with this responsibility? Possibly a big ask for your average billionaire.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Do supporters of Online Poker and Internet Gambling Want Trump in the White House?
Tags Popped: Get Money
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
What Happened To This Blog?!?
The reasons are plenty, but the overriding one is time. I simply don't have it anymore. I have three quickly growing kids, a day job that's more brainwave consuming by the day, and a wife who appreciates that I not use the little free time and energy I have after all of that on people who aren't physically in our home. There's also the small matter of online conversations shifting to Twitter over the past few years, that make the relatively outdated mode of blogs and comments a bit anachronistic. If that $3 word throws you for a loop, sorry. It's my HBCU education speaking.
Of course, I'm not dropping off the cyber universe. Since this blog will still be live, I'll undoubtedly throw something up here from time to time
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I guess since this is a quasi goodbye, I should that everyone who made this blog what it was, because without an audience a blogger is just some dude who leaves his personal journal on a park bench. Ya'll made this what it was, and I thank you because while it did last, this blog opened some incredible doors and gave me some lifetime experiences I'll never forget. None of that happens without pagecounts, and ya'll delivered. Preciate that.
Thanks to The Uppity Negro, RiPPA, CJames, Spool32, VLatte, EBW, Marbles, Mwatuangi, Cinderfella Daeda Daedalus, Ciara, Shady Grady, rozb, Antonio, SKTheKid, Lavern, The Janitor, Just_Lena, JD, TwoNuse and everyone else who was here over the years. If I missed your name, sorry. Thanks anyway.
Two fingers,
Tags Popped: AB Instant Classics
Fear Of A Robot Planet.
Physicist Stephen Hawking fears robots will someday take over the world but our experiment proved that this might not happen for quite some time! We pitted our experts against the “smartest machine on Earth” and gave them both the same task transcribing song lyrics. The humans were more accurate and had fewer omissions.
For example, the lyric “I live my life like there’s no tomorrow” was interpreted correctly by the humans and incorrectly by the machine as “I live my life lacked is.” So before you decide to automate your transcription needs, consider hiring a solution that leverages human technology!
For example, the lyric “I live my life like there’s no tomorrow” was interpreted correctly by the humans and incorrectly by the machine as “I live my life lacked is.” So before you decide to automate your transcription needs, consider hiring a solution that leverages human technology!
Tags Popped: Get Money
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