I pride myself on being ahead of the story. I'm obviously not a journalist, you don't come here for that sorta info, but I try to always pickup big stories and bring them to you before they break. Sometimes, this approach works. I inform you of something you might not have otherwise heard about, then you're up on game when suddenly everyone at the water cooler is talking. Other times, not so much.
Such an example was the case of the DC Madame. You'll recall (or not) that a few months ago, that pimpstress in distress Debra Jeane Palfrey was threatening to release her client list unless someone paid her off. This list was to contain hundreds of names of politicians, celebrities, and other public figures. When nobody stepped forward to silence her, she sold the list to 20/20, which was to run a huge feature on the Johns. Years of underground corruption would be surfaced. It would be big. HUGE.
It was a dud.
Except for deputy secretary Randall Tobias, who stepped down before the show aired, nobody of note was implicated. AverageBro's first big scoop was a biggest bust than Kevin Durant.
Hold your horses.
Much like you can't write Durant (who'll be fine) off after a shaky summer league, you can't send AvgB off to the glue factory. Wouldn't you know it, a fine Congressman from the great state of Louisiana (Blanco. Jefferson. Nagin. What is it with Louisiana politicians anyway?) bails me out. Such southern hospitality.
A woman accused of running a Washington prostitution ring placed five phone calls to David Vitter while he was a House member, including two while roll call votes were under way, according to telephone and congressional records.Damn, setting up a trick while you're on the Day Job. That's pretty gangsta, and then some.
Vitter, a Louisiana Republican now in the Senate, acknowledged Monday that his number was on the woman's call list and apologized for a "very serious sin." The married father of four has remained in seclusion since, missing Senate votes and other activities Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Telephone records released by Deborah Jeane Palfrey indicate she placed calls that were answered by Vitter's Washington phone on five occasions while Vitter was in the House, from 1999 through 2001. On four of those five days, the House was in session and Vitter participated in every roll call vote.
One day was particularly busy in the House, with Vitter's phone receiving Palfrey's call in the middle of the eighth recorded vote of the day, at 5:06 p.m., according to the records.
Indeed, compassionate conservatism at its' best.
Palfrey Called Vitter During House Votes [AP]