I'm not the biggest New Gingrich fan, but nowadays, who is? Regardless, with The Magic Negro Veneer nearly worn bare, and my
$5 $500 campaign donation wasted, Newt may have a point. Perhaps it's time for Team Barry to start considering The Number Two Spot.
Newt Gingrich is convinced that the 2008 Democratic ticket will be led by Hillary Clinton with Barack Obama as her running mate.I mostly agree. Hillary-Obama is the best of both worlds. The veritable toofer. Women and minorities "win" in one fell swoop. This historic ticket has enough universal appeal to get everyone off their asses and to the polls, without thinly veiled and covertly commercialized threats of Vote Or Die to sell more t-shirts. Plus, this ensures victory unless Rudy Guiliani chooses a popular negro like Jay-Z or Diddy as his running mate to neutralize The Obama Factor. What's not to like? I smell the Barry-4-Vice-Prez tag already, and I like what's cookin'.
But the pugnacious former Republican House speaker warns that Clinton faces a "very formidable" troika of GOP hopefuls - former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and undeclared former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson.
Of course, Gingrich, never one for subtlety, has to ruin the whole parade by throwing some assorted BS in there just for old-times-sake.
The former Georgia congressman also said he might jump in, depending how the "troika" candidates are faring against Clinton.Thanks for the bright idea, but spare us the agony, and you the embarrassment, Newton Leroy.
"If there is a vacuum and if there's a real need for somebody to be prepared to debate Sen. Clinton, then I would consider running. I think we'll know that in October," Gingrich said.
Hil-Obama? Yeah, that's the ticket - Newt [NY Daily News]