Saturday, July 21, 2007

Still Searching For Stepha Henry

My search for more info on Stepha Henry, specifically how and where to send money to donate to the Crimestoppers reward, is coming up short. If anyone has any great ideas, do tell.

The story got some decent coverage this week with a relatively generic AP story (not surprisingly by a reporter who seems to have a black name). While there's little new info in the story for someone already familiar with the case, it's good to see the AP run a feature. Unlike your local/regional papers, AP stories are usually syndicated and thus can end up as filler in various media outlets, from print to radio. So, from an exposure standpoint, this can only be considered a good thing. The blogosphere is also getting on board, but hey, we're not professionals, so we don't really count.

Unfortunately, I still don't see black media outlets running with this story. SyndicationOne, owned by a black woman (Cathy Hughes) is mysteriously silent. I don't watch BET, so what the hell do I know? I tried tuning in to Take The Cake, their ghetto-fab scam of a text-messaging trivia show. Joe Clair is a homeboy, and always entertaining (used to see him for $5 every Monday night at Takoma Station, he is severely underrated as a standup comedian), but co-host Toccarra is a hot mess of too tight outfits, crooked wigs, and overexposed tig-ole-bitties (there is such a thing). I won't bother wasting precious moments of life and countless brain cells on drivel such as Hot Ghetto Mess: The Series. Get real, Reginald Hudlin.

I have no idea how this dissolved into a BET-bashing column. Sorry.

Help this story last. Call your local TV and radio stations and ask them why they aren't covering it.

Trying Process for Families of Missing [AP]

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