Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I was trying to wait until the next milestone post (#200) to do my next "we blowin' up!" post, but hey, why wait? And for the record, Google images didn't bring back the most politically correct images when I did a search for "187", so I just grabbed the PA State Highway sign above. What was I thinking?

Anyways, if you've been with us from Day One (hardly 6 months ago, I know), you've watched this blog, and by proxy, this blogger grow and evolve. Honestly, I started this thing because I was enamored with my favorite bloggers, [||] and wanted to see if I could pull the same thing off. Like most good intentions, this was better in idea than execution. My first few posts were stilted, meandering, sometimes just plain bad. It was a clear example of a guy trying to find his voice, while still trying to say something substantial to the world. I think I was maybe a bit overly concerned with who is reading on the daily. I mean, my boss, my sister in law, and my mom, among others, hang out here on the regular. You don't wanna say some ole' ish' that's outta character.

Eventually though, it occurred to me that being anonymous means I can truly be myself. The folks who know me love me anyway, or at least tolerate me, so really, why not just let it fly? Quicker than you can say "filth phlarn filth", I undid the shackles and let the expletives fly. The result was critical acclaim, and a readership that's going through the roof. You can't really beat that, right?

So, despite the initial kinks, this thing seems to be working. It ain't broke, it don't need fixin'.

On that note, this message marks the beginning of The First Annual AverageBro Readership Drive™. I've been telling ya'll for weeks now I have something big up my sleeve. Real big, trust me. To put myself in position for this, I need your help. If you're feeling what you read here, put 7 on it. That means tell 7 friends, or fwd the Daily Digest (link in upper right) to 7 friends. Or email (see that little envelope below) 7. Either way, spread the word, and help ya' boy out.

I'll let you know where this is going soon, so just stay tuned, and keep dropping loads of comments.


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