Friday, September 7, 2007

AverageBro Goes To the Movies: Rush Hour 3

[With an infant, I don't get to go to the movies at all nowadays. Pre-AverageBaby, I didn't miss an opening weekend. Now, Netflix is my best friend. So, I don't see things in a timely manner, but when I do, you get the best review in town right here.]

Sometimes sequels are good. Rocky II. Terminator 2. Spiderman 2. All perfectly good movies. Next Friday wasn't too bad either.

Unfortunately, the 3rd time isn't the charm for Chris Tucker, Jackie Chan, and Co. By recycling the same high wire minstrel show in Rush Hour 3, they clearly have reached the point of diminishing returns.

When RH3 begins, James Carter (Tucker) has been relegated to traffic cop, and Inspector Lee (Chan) is now the bodyguard for his friend Ambassador Han, the former Consul from the first film. When Han is nearly killed in an assassination attempt, Carter and Lee inexplicably head off to Paris to hunt down the murderers and derail a plan for world domination. If you're not already losing interest, you're not alone.

I won't bother with the rest of the plot. If you've seen the first two movies you already know that Lee and Carter will fall out at some point, reconcile, pull off some logic defying stunts, and solve the crime, plus get the girl in the end. Nothing new here.

Unfortunately, neither are the same lame stereotypes played up in this film. Carter is as sex crazed and birdbrained as ever. I thought that just maybe a 6 year gap between movies and Tucker's subsequent re-tracing of his African roots would have maybe somehow lead to a more nuanced character. Wrong. Bug eyed and foot shuffling as always, Tucker would be right at home on VH1. Stepin Fetchit would be proud.

Lee's broken English karate master act is growing thin too. Apparently the Chinese know this: they were so tired of the stereotype that they banned the movie. From the whole damn country.

If only Americans were so wise. On the other hand, considering how this one's fared at the box office compared to the first two, maybe I'm underestimating us.

Please Chris and Jackie, spare us more sequels.

Final Verdict: Wait for Netflix. 2 Stars (Out of 5)

Rush Hour Official Website

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