Friday, October 12, 2007

Ann Coulter Was Adolf Hitler's JumpOff

I just happened to be flipping through the nether regions of cable news the other night and caught Ann Coulter on CNBC's The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch. Coulter is like a human train wreck, a woman so wretched and homely, you can't help but watch. Not because she's attractive (unless you're into 75 pound trannies with bad bleach jobs), but because she's got excessive diarrhea of the mouth. Namely, you don't know what she's liable to say at any given time.

I actually watched the following exchange that seems to have landed Coulter in the ultimate pot of boiling water. She messed around and violated Industry Rule #4081: Don't Mess With Jews!!!!

Conservative author Ann Coulter finds herself in the middle of a firestorm once again after remarks on a CNBC television show in which she said Jews need "to be perfected" and suggested the nation would be better off if it were all-Christian.

Appearing on "The Big Idea" with host Donny Deutsch on Monday, she said Christians were tolerant of racial diversity but that it "would be a lot easier" for Jews if they were to become Christians.

Deutsch, who described himself as a practicing Jew on the show, was clearly dismayed by the remarks, which he called "hateful" and "antisemitic," according to a transcript published on the Web by Editor and Publisher.

In her defense, Coulter apologized for the remarks and said they were misinterpreted. "I don't think you should take it that way (as offensive), but that is what Christians consider themselves: perfected Jews. We believe the Old Testament," she said.
Since I watched this firsthand, I can tell you unequivocally: there was NO misunderstanding. Coulter made the comment, and Deutsch gave her several opportunities to clear it up. But Coulter just kept repeating the same babble over and over again, further digging herself in a hole that she won't ever be able to climb out of.

Just in case you were somehow unaware, Jews own/run EVERYTHING!!! Entertainment? Check. Publishing? Check. Sports? Check. Politricks? Mazel Tov!

I suspect a massive backlash of Mel Gibsonian proportions is on the way for this bimbette, and I couldn't be happier. Her shtick has long since worn thin, and it's about time she just shut up and ate a sandwich (or 7).

The carcasses of those who offended the Almighty Tribe and whose careers were quickly shut down are numerous, including lots of black folks. Off the record, Jesse Jackson referred to New York Jews as "Hymies" during his 84' campaign and has yet to regain his "Run Jesse Run!" level of influence. Michael Jackson infamously called them "Devils" in a bizarre press conference a few years ago. His vitiligo having a$$ is living in Bahrain now. You can't Google the name "Louis Farrakhan" without the works "antisemitic remarks" also coming up (try it). Cynthia McKinney had to learn a hard lesson after she made some inflammatory post-September 11th remarks. They practically bought her Congressional seat from her for a term just to prove a point. Prince damn near had to change his name for a decade just to stay relevant. And when's the last time you heard from Michael Ray Richardson?

Clearly, Coulter was way out of pocket, and I'm glad she'll be taking a long hiatus from the public in the wake of this fiasco. Let's not forget, this is the same woman who famously dropped the following bombs as well.
Last year she told Deutsch that former President Bill Clinton showed "some level of latent homosexuality" and then followed it up by telling Chris Matthews on MSNBC that former Vice President Al Gore was a "total fag."

In one of her books she lashed out at 9/11 widows, saying, "I’ve never seen people enjoying their husbands’ deaths so much.

She also found herself in hot water earlier this year for calling presidential candidate John Edwards a "faggot"."
Ann Coulter is the Inaugural Winner of The AverageBro "Ho, Sit Down!" Award.

Enjoy your reward and the complimentary buffet (repeatedly please) Miss Ann. It's been nice knowing you.

Here's a clip of the offensive exchange.

Coulter draws fire over remarks about Jews [MSNBC]

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