Friday, October 12, 2007

Mychal Bell Just Can't Win...

Hmmm, I wonder what the 40,000 people who made that pilgrimage to Jena are gonna do now?

A teenager at the center of a civil rights controversy is back in jail after a judge sentenced him on charges that were pending before the attack that put him in the national spotlight, his attorney said.

Mychal Bell, who along with five other black teenagers had been accused of beating a white classmate, went to juvenile court Thursday expecting another routine hearing, said Carol Powell Lexing, one of Bell's attorneys.

Instead, after a six-hour hearing, state District Judge J.P. Mauffrey Jr. sentenced him to 18 months on two counts of simple battery and two counts of criminal destruction of property, Lexing said.

He had been hit with those charges before the Dec. 4 attack on classmate Justin Barker.
I wonder where Michael Baisden and his MingleCity crew are now. They probably don't even know who Mychal Bell is, considering how most of them were just there to "partaaaay!!!".

Note to Black America: Choose your battles wisely. The Jena Six are not the Greensboro Four.

I sure hope all the folks who grandstanded in front of cameras last month will pour out a lil' liquor for young Mr. Bell, and contribute a lil' to his defense fund too while they're at it.

Me? Not so much. I'll just go back to tutoring, mentoring, and coaching kids so we don't have another Bell, or Jena Six for that matter, on our hands 5 years from now.

Key Figure In Jena 6 Case Back In Jail [CBS]

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