Blogs can accomplish many goals. Some are here to purely entertain, which is fine of course. Others, educate, which is necessary. I try to swing both angles here at, because I think balance is always a must.
To that effect, one thing I like doing whenever possible is dispelling commonly held myths, which I refer to sometimes as Grand Hu$tles. There's so much bad information out there, that I never want to add to that problem. When this blog first started, that meant a crapload of links in every post, because I was darn near obsessed with not spreading misinformation. This proved cannibalistic, because it usually moved traffic away from my site, which is never a good thing. So, over time I've wised up and kept links to a minimum.
Still, some of my favorite posts have been those clearing up urban legends and assorted hu$tles. Here's just a few.
Peep The Series:
Non-Urban Dictates, Tavis, Tom, and Other Tales of Urban Lore
Are There Really More Black Men In Jail Than Yale!?!?
Multi-Level Marketing is a Grand Hu$tle