Monday, January 28, 2008

AverageBro Makes The Big Leagues

Break out the CapriSuns! It's a celebration!

When I started this blog 9 months ago, I really just wanted a creative outlet to release some of the Day Job angst. Nothing more. The first month or so here, my only actual AverageCommenter was AverageSisterInLaw. Putting your heart and soul into what you think is a quality drop, only to see the Magic Goose Egg in the comments section sometimes made we wonder if this was worth the trouble. Still, I stuck with it, mainly because there's something very liberating about "saying something", even if hardly anyone is listening. Over time, the blog's daily hits steadily grew, jumping here and there when the occasional post was picked up elsewhere. Thanks to some strategic agitation, some lucky cross linking, and a few God-sent co-signs, the blog's popularity and exposure grew steadily, and when I won the Black Weblog Awards Judge's Selection for Blog To Watch, things really took off.

Now, after nearly a year, the blog has grown to nearly 1,000 daily hits on average, which isn't bad considering the fact that I don't really "work the angles" and do a lot of cross linking with other sites or blog aggregators. Or at least not as much as I should. Most of what's happened here has been all word of mouth, so I have to thank you guys for that. Of course there were lots of other folks, like Racialicious (what up Carmen?), DC Blogs, WAOD, DallasPenn, and Afronary who really looked out and gave me great exposure when they really didn't have to. All I can say is thanks. I owe all of ya'll one... or twenty.

All this grunt work culminated nicely last month when I was contacted by NPR and asked to be an occasional contributor to their daily show News and Notes, hosted by the brilliant Farai Chideya. The show has a regular segment called Blogger's Roundtable, which is more or less a black version of The McLaughlin Report, using various personalities from across the blogosphere. I am thrilled, and furthermore honored to be a part of this feature, and will make my debut in a few weeks.

Those of you who think NPR is just that station on the far end of the dial where everyone speaks in a library voice will probably be surprised by the show. Since Tavis Smiley was brought over to add a little color to the station a few years back, their programming has become far more diverse and dynamic. And now, your boy is headed over there to shake things up even more.

Step One in the AverageBro Master Plan for Media Domination is underway. Keep it locked.

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