An old idiom goes "everyone has at least one great story in them". I tell stories myself everyday here at Although this is an anonymous blog, you could likely cobble together a pretty good idea of who I am, and what I'm all about if you read between the lines enough.
I'm a storyteller by nature. AverageSis and I make our own children's books for the kids using PhotoShop, Kodakgallery, and some ingenuity. I've written my own autobiography, full of my life stories and family tales that I'll one day send to some vanity publisher (ie: to have preserved and bound for the kids. Half the drops you read here have long since been written in my head. Putting thoughts to cyber-pen is a mere 5 minute formality. That's just who I am.
In the spirit of at least attempting to move this blog towards something Web2.0'ish (or at least Web1.7'ish) in nature, I want to start a new feature called What's Your Story?!?, and I need your help.
Send me your "one great story", via email. It can be about anything, and I do mean anything. Change the names to protect the innocent if need me. Just keep it interesting, and less than 1,000 words.
This isn't a contest, there are no winners. The best submissions will be run periodically, and all entrants get a month's supply of Cyber CapriSuns™.
Write on.
Send your "What's Your Story?!?" submission to AverageBro.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
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