Monday, February 11, 2008

Why The NAACP Stays Losing: Exhibit B

The NAACP Image Awards are just as much of a joke as the once venerable organization itself. I finally figured this out a few years ago when I looked at their list of nominees and found Robert Kelly nominated for singer of the year, and that child who played Baby Girl on The Bernie Mac Show nominated for Best Supporting Actress. I mean, seriously, R. Kelly shouldn't be nominated for anything other than castration. And nominating a 6 year old girl for an award? WTH? I guess Toni Childs from Girlfriends didn't do enough with her lines that year.

Still, just when I figured the NAACP couldn't possibly make itself anymore of a punchline, along comes the latest gaffe.

D.L. Hughley will host the 39TH NAACP IMAGE AWARDS on Thursday, Feb. 14 on FOX, it was announced today by Vicangelo Bulluck, executive producer of the telecast.

"I'm very excited that D.L. Hughley will host the 39th NAACP IMAGE AWARDS. He is an everyman's political satirist who brings humor and insight to the issues and concerns that face us as a nation," said Bulluck.

Hughley has earned his reputation as a true king of comedy. He currently stars in his fourth one-hour special for HBO entitled "Unapologetic." Taped before a live audience at the historic Lincoln Theater in Washington, D.C., the special features Hughley's take on humorous topics including: the immigration debate, airplane restrictions, freedom of speech, the price of gasoline, the NRA and more.
I mean, seriously, I know the ship's been out to sea since Kwesi was busted having sex with a subordinate rolled out, but dag. Are you seriously telling me they couldn't find someone better than D.L. Hughley?

Lest some of you think I'm doing my usual "tearing down of another successful black man", let's not forget what Hughley did last year, amidst very little fanfare.

I mean, c'mon now. This in the NAACP Image Awards. Why would you have a host who took such unapologetic glee at trashing the black female image last year? Hughley hasn't bothered backing off his original statement, despite some low level protests last year. Of course, we know this is all about show anyway, the NAACP just wants someone to watch their annual horse and pony show so folks know they're important, and you know how insecure people need constant affirmation.

Then again, I suppose it's possible that D.L. Hughley is just the best possible host they could get. I mean, seriously, if you look at the list of nominees themselves, it just underscores how bad the TV and Movie game is for black talent right now. I mean, when the (other) golddigger chick from Girlfriends, and that Mowry twin on The Game are nominated, it just illuminates the slim pickins'. Peep the list below, it's pretty darned sad.

Ida B. Wells is crying inside.

Question: Do you think there's anything wrong with D.L. Hughley hosting the NAACP Image Awards?

D.L. Hughley to Host NAACP Image Awards

39th Annual NAACP Image Awards Nominees

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