Even though this isn't a skit, it's easily the funniest thing I've seen on that show in ages.
"Bitch may be the New Black, but Black is the New President.... Bitch!"
Not exactly classy, but classic nonetheless. Man, when is 30 Rock coming back, already?
Maybe Tracy Morgan was a bit outta bounds with the whole "bitch" thing, but whoever wrote this bit for him (just keepin' it real) did a good job of lacing truth with humor. Either way, I guess the folks at NBC are laughin' straight to the Neilsen bank by making SNL somewhat newsworthy (albeit not necessarily relevant) again.
I hope this ends the whole "SNL endorses whoever we darn well please" thread for once and for all. Now, they can get back to lousy, unfunny skits, and unprepared (Mariah Carey and T-Pain were godawful) musical guests, and leave the political endorsements to Fox News.
Question: Was Tracy Morgan on point here or should he have saved the extra Itch-Bay? And isn't AverageBro a complete and total hypocrite for having no problem with Hustleman's endorsement, after crying for weeks about Tina Fey doing the same thing?
SNL Shows Blatant Anti-Spitzer Bias, Endorses Obama [Huffington Post]
Sunday, March 16, 2008
I Guess The Folks At SNL Must Read AverageBro
Tags Popped: PoliTricks as Usual, TeeVee Sux, Web Junk
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