Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Curious Barry: Tasteless Humor or Blatant Racism!?!?

Postracial America?

Race Doesn't Matter?

First Black President?


Yep, this is indeed the mentality we're dealing with in 08'.[1]

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt is considering legal action against a Georgia tavern owner selling T-shirts depicting presidential candidate Barack Obama as the Curious George monkey character.

In a statement, the Boston publisher, which owns the book rights to Curious George, said today the firm finds the T-shirt “offensive and utterly out of keeping with the values Curious George represents.”

The statement, issued by Houghton spokesman Richard Blake, added: “We are monitoring the situation and weighing our options with respect to possible legal action.”

A tavern owner in Georgia has been peddling the shirt with a picture of a happy Curious George eating a banana above the words “Obama in ’08.”

The tavern owner, who some have described as an “ultra-conservative,” has denied to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that the T-shirt is racist. But protesters outside his tavern say the comparison of Obama, who is an African- American, to a monkey is an old racist stereotype.
Here's a closer look.

And the obligatory news account, courtesy of Youtube.

In all seriousness, while the imagery of a whimsical black man with a banana is hardly politically correct, I wonder if it's really all that offensive. I've seen the same sorta tastless humor with Curious George Bush. And if you think about it, with the quizzical facial expressions, the dumb and dumberer soundbytes, and of course all that infamous dancing, you could argue that G.W. is far more primate than Barry.

Peep game.

But nobody would call that racist.[2]

I'm just sayin'.

BTW, I see Johnny Boy Edwards finally put down the hair products and endorsed Obama. Does this make a difference in courting that blue-collar vote, or does a guy with a 28,000 sq foot home only add to the elitist tag?

Question: Whaddya' think? Is the Curious Barry shirt merely good, wholesome, All-American fun, or racist as all get-out? Does Edwards' endorsement make any difference?

Curious George publisher mulls legal action over Obama shirt [Boston Herald]

John Edwards Endorsing Obama [HuffingtonPost]

[1] Props to ebonygentleman, my reliable lead generator, for sending this story my way.

[2] Alright, who the hell am I kiddin'? This shit is racist!

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