Monday, May 12, 2008

When HoodRats Attack:The Sad Story of Soulja Girl!

No, this isn't a Candid Camera or MadTV skit. Peep this latest example of Extreme Niggadom, straight from The "A". Apparently, this fine young lady was clearly offended by something the elderly MARTA rider said, and decided to C.Y.I.N.

[Editor's Note: This video is highly disturbing. It features racial epithets, lots of four letter words, and acapella trap music. Consider yourself warned!]

I love how she gets real quiet when the dude actually steps to her.[1]

"I'm pressin' charges!"
"I'm pressin' charges!"
"I'm pressin' charges!"

Yet one more reason why I'd never consider moving back down South.

Thankfully, the MARTA police force just issued a warrant for her arrest.

Police in Atlanta’s public transportation have issued a warrant for the arrest of a young woman known as “Soulja Girl” after she was seen violently rebuking an elderly woman on a subway line. The woman was seen screaming on the train at the elderly woman while reciting lyrics to the rapper Soulja Boy.

The woman is seen on a widely-viewed video screaming, “Yaaa, n***a, yaaa” and “I’ma beat you’re a** on this train.” She also called the senior citizen a hoe and a b***h and threatened to kill her.

Wanda Y. Dunham, the chief of police for Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), issued a statement requesting help in arresting the female. confirmed with a MARTA representative that the person in the video is indeed the same person sought by police.

“MARTA police were notified about this video last Friday and launched an immediate and aggressive investigation into the incident,” said Dunham said in a statement. “The tipster also indicated the suspect has been known to ride Bus Route 22. MARTA police were able to positively identify the individual allegedly involved in this incident and have secured a warrant for her arrest.”
Soulja Girl will have her day in court, but still, we all got to do better. Take The Challenge and help prevent the next ATL train attack.

MLK is crying inside.

BONUS: Audio from Soulja Girl's sister calling V-103 in Atlanta.

Question: If you take public transpo on the regular, what do you typically do when confronted with youth like this poor young lady?

MARTA Investigates Taped Tirade On Train [News 2 Atlanta]

[1] I nevar, evar, under any circumstances would condone hitting a woman, but this ignant chick had SOMETHIN' coming.

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