Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Few Random Housekeeping Notes From

Just a few random notes and some housekeeping...

Ask An AverageBro - A month or so ago, I plugged an upcoming feature, Ask An AverageBro, which will serve as a running "mailbag" type of thing. I'll be running this feature for the first time very soon, so if you've got an outstanding question you've just gotta have included, do so now before the window closes.

24/7 - You might have noticed that I recently began running posts on weekends. I've been hesitant to do this in the past because I figured most folks take the weekend off from checking blogs, but reality is, this is when many people catch up on the stuff they missed during the week. The hits have been solid, so is now running 7 days a week. Enjoy Responsibly.

New Look - I've never been crazy about the 16 templates gives you. I regret not checking out TypePad or WordPress everyday, but I'm more than 500 posts in, so I guess I'm stuck here. Has anyone else migrated from Blogger to WordPress? How easy is this? If you know, hit me please.

New Logo Needed - Assuming I stay put here at Blogger, I'm looking to freshen up the house by throwing up a new banner image at least. My marginal PhotoShop skills are preventing me from doing something more inventive, but if you've got some talent and wanna contribute to the legacy by doing some pro-bono graphics work, hit me. You won't get paid, but I'll plug your site/work here to make up for it.

Guest Posts - I've assembled a nice collection of co-defendants here, but since I'm trying to expand the reach of this site, I'm always looking for contributors for Guest Posts. If you've got something to contribute, hit me and let's talk.

What Do You Wanna See? - This is you guys' blog, not mine. I'm always trying to throw in new features and content to keep things interesting, but I could always use more ideas. So, let me know what else you wanna see here at

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