Yep, that's the actual cover art for Lil' Wayne's new album, The Carter III, which hits stores in another week or so, but supposedly got leaked on the interwebs this past weekend. Not that I'd know or care either way.[1]
I'm just wondering how in the hell they got a suit that tiny sewn, and who the heck created that panky rang? Cause I think AverageToddler so needs a getup like that for Children's Chuuuch.
As for the tats, let's just pray that was PhotoShop.
Hell, let's just pray the whole thing was PhotoShop.
Question: Is this the dumbest thing you've seen since those Cosmetic Surgery children's books?
[1] All jokes aside, Weezy absolutely murdered that Nike Boots remix tho'.
Bonus: For The Lil' Wayne impaired, here's the video for his hideous smash hit, Lollipop.