If you're unfamiliar with the Thomas Weeks/Juanita Bynum soap opera, you need to Google em' or this won't make any sense to you. I didn't bother wading in this cesspool earlier this year when they underwent their very public divorce because I don't particularly care for either of them.
Still, how sad is it that Bishop Weeks is now taking to the internet to troll for his next wife, like this is some sorta holy version of The Flavor Of Love? Note, I'm not responsible for all the smarty-arty graphics and interjections, but I mostly agree. This cat should be somewhere trying to save his ministry, not MySpace pimpin'.
Any woman that marries this d-bag gets what she deserves. There, I said it.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Bishop Thomas Weeks Needs To Get His Mind Right.
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