More protestors yesterday in Coral Gables, FL.
More footage.
Some iffy footage of the protestors speaking their piece.
How long before these guys are guests on a very special episode of Hannity and Colmes?
Question: I didn't realize The KKK endorsed Obama, I must have missed that memo. Turns out the ringleader of this nonsense, Michael Warns, is urging blacks to vote for McCain since he's pro-life. Does this mean McCain has to throw Warns under the bus too?
Obama Heckled By Protestors [ABC News]
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Ummm, I Guess Obama Won't Get 100% Of The Black Vote.
Tags Popped: Barry 4 Prez, Drive-By Activism, Knee-Grow Please, MLK is Crying Inside, Negro Nonsense, Web Junk
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