Saturday, October 25, 2008

Plumber Turned Congressman?!? Say It Ain't So, Joe!!!

Just when I thought this d-bag's 15 minutes were up...

Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher or Joe the Plumber, who shot into the limelight for questioning Barack Obamas tax policies during a rally in Ohio, has said that he would like to run for Congress.

Joe the Plumber may consider running for Congress in 2010, FOX News reported.

Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher told Laura Ingraham, in an appearance on her show Friday, hed consider it.

Wurzelbacher would be challenging longtime Republican Marcy Kaptur.

"I'll tell you what, wed definitely be in one heck of a fight", Wurzelbacher said.

"But, you know, I'd be up for it, he added."
I guess in the grand scheme of things, this isn't as asinine as it sounds. After all, ex-athletes, actors, and comedians have all made successful runs for office.

But something about this guy still doesn't rub me the right way. I guess it's the complete lack of honesty, deficit in common sense, and brazen cockiness of how he comes across in interviews. Did this moron even finish high school? He ain't even a licensed plumber. And to anyone who says "it doesn't matter if he's licensed or not", would you hire an unlicensed contractor to remodel your home? Buy life insurance from a guy unauthorized to sell it? Let your cousin handle your divorce proceedings because he's watched a lot of Judge Toler? Of course not.

So why in the ham sammich would citizens of Ohio elect a guy whose sole claim to fame isn't even legit?
The guy isn't a licensed contractor.

His "company" has two employees. He's one of them.

The "company" made only $100,000 last year before taxes.

Joe only bought home $40,000.

In no parallel universe could Joe be approved for a loan for a hypothetical business that makes $250,000/year, when he only makes $40k.

Joe is basically a damn liar.
But don't tell the Palin/McCain campaign. He's their meal ticket. Too bad the meal is bread and water.

Could Joe actually stretch his 15 minutes another 2 years? I suppose Impossible is Nothing. Stranger things have happened. But just like Sarah Palin, Nancy Pfotenhour, Alex Castellanos, Ricky Davis, Ashley Todd, and the other cast of deplorable characters the GOP has brought us this year, I'm hoping Joe The Unlicensed Plumber is little more than the answer to a trivia question come November 5th.

Question: How stoopid is the whole thought of Joe The Congressman?

Now, Joe the Plumber wants to be a Congressman! [ANI]

Joe In 2010 [Official Campaign Website]

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