Sunday, October 5, 2008

What's On AB's iPod?: CostasWorld & Urban Spin.

If you've been following this What's On AB's iPod tag the past few Sundays, you probably know that I like listening to podcasts more than I like riding around listening to music. It also helps that podcasts are almost always free. Music? Not so much. And since my kid can't eat MP3's and daycare doesn't take iTunes downloads, I find myself going for the fee option more times than not.

One of my all-time favorite podcasts is CostasWorld. Hosted by twentysomething Cali resident Tony Costa, the show is a weekly roundtable of Costa and a half dozen of so of his friends shooting the breeze about whatever topic they like. The show is usually about relationships, dating, and general Negro Nonsense. Much like Gordon Gartrell Radio, the podcast is funny as hell, because I can relate to the "urban professional" subject matter on a personal level, and you prolly will too.

Since it's inception a few years ago, the CostasWorld family has grown into, which is a handful companion podcasts hosted by Tony's frequent roundtable guests. There's His and Hers, which is a male/female counterpoint show. The Diced Show is two SoCal white chicks weighing in with their opinions. ZombieRadio is a music podcast of R&B and Soul tunes. The Ladies Show is pretty much what it sounds like. I don't really peep these other shows, so I can't vouch for their quality, but hey, they're free so why not give em' a listen? What do you have to lose but a few bytes on your MP3 player?

If you want a hilarious 30 minutes to help your commute pass quickly, sync your iPod and hang out with Tony Costa and friends.

Urban Podcasts Website

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