I don't like recommending stuff that I haven't thoroughly listened to myself first. I'm also just naturally skeptical of anything with the name Russell Simmons attached. Still, this one came across my desk the other day and I figured I'd pass it on since it's free.
And besides, for a free promo mixtape, that cover art is freakin' awesome.
There's a boatload of prObama hip hop joints up here, some I've heard before, some clearly cobbled together for promo reasons, but hey, once again, it's free-99. You can't beat that price. Just download it already, sheez.
The Green Lantern Obam Yes We Can Mixtape [2DopeBoyz]
Sunday, October 26, 2008
What's On AB's iPod?: The Obama Mixtape.
Tags Popped: AB's iPod, Barry 4 Prez
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