Thursday, November 27, 2008

Giving Thanks... Again.

[Editor's Note: It's funny how the more things change, the more they stay the same. Last year, I started an tradition by listing the things I'm thankful for. One year later, how has that list changed? Let's see...]

Things AB is Thankful For. 2007 thanks are normal. 2008 updates are [in brackets].

God. Nuff' said. [always]

A [new] church [closer to home] that teaches practical biblical principle without pimping me in the process.

A wife who is 10 times smarter than me and fine as hell [even after two kids!]. Every man should be so lucky.

[Two] brilliant son[s] who look[s] just like me. No need to call Maury on [either] one.

A [loving and] functional family.

Loving and supportive outlaws in-laws. [Who help in ways I couldn't begin to list here.]

Great friends who don't care about my feelings [and I hope this makes sense a year later because I know it could come off wrong].

Good health [as long as I stay away from that sodium].

A reasonably challenging career that allows me to take care of my family [which is no small potatoes given this economy].

Okay, now on to the trivial stuff [because isn't it all trivial beyond the stuff above?].

Second chances. Because if my team hadn't resigned Andray Blatche after his highly publicized run in with a prostitute, our season would be lost right now. [Ironically, Blatche just got his coach fired on Monday, then came out Tuesday night with a KG-like line of 25 pts, 12 rebs, 5 blocks, and 5 asts. I doubt he'll keep it up though.]

Black people like Tavis Smiley who "get it". [Hah. Hindsight is 20/20 like a muv.]

Fantasy Football. [I'm 9-3 now, on the cusp of my first ever Fantasy Bowl win.]

Hi Definition TV. [Especially when the aspect ratio is set correctly.]

Broadband Internet Access. Because this blog wouldn't exist if I was still on dial up. [Seriously though, Verizon FIOS is hella unreliable. I might have to make a change soon.]

Black people like Michael Baisden, who "don't get it", thus giving me lots of fodder for this blog. [I haven't listened to him in over a year but I heard he did some great stuff during the election, so perhaps I was wrong about this one.]

BET, for providing me with enough examples of Extreme Niggadom to keep this blog alive. [Uhhh, perhaps I should eat those words now.]

The NBA. [Always fantastic.]

Good neighbors. [New neighbors too. Lots of em'. Foreclosure is a muv.]

AverageMentee and Average[6]thGradeRecLeagueHoopsTeam. Cause AB love da' kids. [Especially if we win more than 2 games this season. C'mon fellas.]

Readers like you who check for on the regular and don't mind letting me know when/if they disagree with me. Shouts out to Chris N., deedee, plez, GAGirl, cinco, and V. And yes, even you domo. [Too many new commenters to list. Thanks for making this site what it is, ya'll.]

Happy Holidays!

Question: What are you thankful for?

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