You may have noticed that I recently added an AverageSoundTrack™ widget on the sidebar. Some blog posts just scream "background music", and in the coming weeks, I'll start incorporating tunes that match the words into new posts using a pretty cool service called SeeqPod. I've already gone back and tagged some older posts with the appropriate musical accompaniment.
In the meantime, you can just peruse a handful of tunes (courtesy of iLike) in my head on any given day. This list will change frequently. If you wanna purchase the songs, the links are there, but I don't get paid by Rhapsody, so do the footwork and purchase via the carousel (further down the page) if you wanna make a sideways contribution to the AverageKidsCollegeFund™.
If you've got tunes you wanna recommend for the playlist, shoot me a message. If I like it, I'll add it.
Monday, December 29, 2008
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