Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Steve Harvey vs Katt Williams?!?

Black people love beefin'. I guess it's somewhere in our DNA. This year alone, we've seen rap beefs, political beefs, hood beefs, R&B sanga beefs, and pastor beefs. Just when I thought I'd seen it all, a new level of Negro Nonsense just pops up. Witness, the comedian beef.

I don't have time to recap all this, nor do I really even understand how it started. Apparently, currently hot comedian Katt Williams has a beef with alleged King Of Comedy, Steve Harvey.

I think this whole thing is pretty sad, actually. Both of these guys are over 40, and should prolly know better. But it does make for hilarious radio, as this classic episode of The FoxxHole on Sirius XM last week proved. If you still don't have satellite radio yet, just go put your head in an oven.

Jamie Foxx and The FoxxHole crew plays Katt Williams' inexplicable diss of Harvey. Steve Harvey then calls in and delivers a self-serving career memoriam. The false humility is literally seeping through the speakers.

Note: These clips are from a satellite radio show. Cop the headphones!

Part two. More circle jerking self-aggrandizement as Jamie Foxx and Co. egg Harvey on, and more or less ether poor Baby Gap model Katt Williams in the process.

This PR stunt for two guys with waning popularity feud will culminate in a big concert on New Year's Eve in Detroit. If I had the means to do so, I'd fly in town to witness this train wreck in person.

I'll admit, I'm not the biggest fan of either. Williams' brand of pimpin' humor was old after the first 18 times I watched The Pimp Chronicles. Steve Hightower Harvey is only funny because of his neon sherbet green zoot suits and that eraserhead hairpiece he used to rock. His next funny joke will be his first.

On GP, I'll give Katt Williams the win by a perm. What say ye'?!?

Question: Who's less un-funny funnier? Steve Harvey or Katt Williams? Who's your favorite comedian? Why do black folks just love beef? Do you like your beef medium rare or well done?

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