Monday, January 19, 2009

What Bad Economy?!? Is Now Hiring!

Well, new year, new approach here at After 20 months, 1,000 posts, and around 1,800 visits/day, it's time to switch the game up a bit. I thank you guys for embracing this site through it's various incarnations. We were a solo act that only me and AverageSisInLaw read, then we won a coveted award, and made public radio, and made the WashingtonPost, and pissed off a lot of people, and somewhere along the way a black dude decided to run for President, and he more or less hijacked the blog. Over the past couple of months, the site's re-centered itself as a day-to-day reflection of whatever the heck's on my mind. I'm happy to say that despite my concerns that the Barry-4-Prez crowd would abandon me post-election, the site's traffic has actually exploded since November 4th. I'm grateful for this, but there's always room for improvement, and thus my latest idea.

In the interest of keepin' things movin', I'm opening up to additional regular contributors. Keeping the site going on the daily is becoming an increasingly difficult task, now that I've got two young ones, and a Day Job that just got a lot more complex (I got a promotion, hooray for me), and am back to coaching (more on this later). Oh, and AverageSis obviously needs her time too. When you add it all up, there's only so many minutes in a day when both kids are sleeping, and instead of pre-writing drops when they nap, I'm usually sleeping myself now, in the name of self-preservation and whatnot. Bloggin' time ain't what it used to be.

That said, I need to add some new flavor to, and I'm looking for 2-3 additional contributors. If you've got a blog, fancy yourself as creative, want to contribute regularly to a blog on the rise, and will work for CyberCapriSuns™, get at me. I'm not talking about GuestPosts, I'm talking about folks who'll create fresh and original content a few times a week to fatten up what I already do here on my own.

The banner welcomes all viewpoints, regardless of race (yeah, really) or gender (nah, really). All I ask is that you're funny, informative, and most importantly, original. You can talk sports, politricks, bidness, music, race, or even encroach on my Negro Nonsense territory. I just ask that you keep it fresh, relevant, and consistent. Established bloggers are preferred but not totally necessary.

If you're down to join the Fam, send me an email with some samples of your work, and let's make it happen.

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