Well, it's been a nice run, but all good things come to an end. And I'm not takin' it personal like Jermaine. Of course, it would help if SeePod had the song in question, but they don't. So I'm taking a bow instead. Cause it's over noooowwww.
Sorry for anyone I might momentarily disturb with the AverageSoundTrack™ choice, but today likely marks my final appearance on NPR's News And Notes, as the show ends for good on March 20th. As ya'll know, I've ridden shotgun on the show's Blogger's Roundtable segment for over a year now. Every time I've gone on, I've felt more and more comfortable, and it's always great to get to know some other bloggers in the process.
Unfortunately, the show (NPR's only "urban" offering) never got the promotional push, or distribution needed, and its cancellation was announced in December. Host Farai Chideya has moved on to greener pastures, so I'll be sitting in with Tony Cox for my swan song.
Tune in around 1pm EST today if you feel like witnessing the sunset of my admittedly brief radio career. I'll post the audio link later in the day for those in a more chipper mood.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
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