In case you haven't noticed from my lack of comment replies, I'm on assignment this week. Thus, I'm away from DC, and didn't notice this sooner. Thanks to my main man MarrioP for letting me know that was featured in today's Washington Post Express newspaper's Blog Log section.
Yesterday's blurb about Lebron James was the fodder, which continues
the odd trend of The Post only quoting my
Negro Nonsense-related drops. Go figure. I'm obviously not complaining because the extra traffic sure helps, but there's more substantive stuff than just sports and rappers here, guys. C'mon,
I'm you're making me look bad.
For those in the DC Metro Urreah, cop one on your way to the train this evening. Ya' boy is on Page 40. For the rest of you, here's a link to the online blog version, as well as the PDF of the actual printed newspaper for those of you (ie: AverageSis & my mother) who wanna keep this one in perpetuity.
LeBron Is A Good Human, Too [WashPostExpress]WashPost Express 3.31.9 [PDF File]