Well, folks, I'm outta here. By the time you read this, I'll be en route to Copenhagen along with AverageFamily for a 9-day trip through Northern Europe. We'll also hit Russia, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Yes, I'm excited.
Needless to say, I won't be checking this blog in my absence. A motley crew of AverageContributors will man the post while I'm gone. You'll see the occasional drop from me over these next couple of weeks, but rest assured, I'm nowhere near a blog. Those are prewritten & prescheduled to run.
Today's a holiday, so take a pause for the cause to remember those who fought and continue to fight for our freedom erryday. The same folks who fight for our freedoms, including the right to free speech that allows me to pen this blog, and the wherewithall to get as far away from it as possible when I need a break.
See ya'll here tomorrow. AverageNation™ Weeks II & III begin then.
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Monday, May 25, 2009
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