Sunday, May 3, 2009

What's On AB's iPod?!? - Mary J. Blige Mixtape

I'll admit, I haven't really been checkin' for Mary the past few years. I'm all for people finding happiness, but my opinion is, she made far better music when her personal life was in shambles. Maybe it's just me.

Either way, there's no denying her contributions to modern Black music. She more or less helped create the whole "hip hop soul" fusion that served as the blueprint for the demise of black radio. I won't blame her for that one, cause she made some really good music along the way, as chronicled by this awesome mixtape by J. Period.

It covers pretty much every uptempo album cut, remix, mixtape exclusive, and guest appearance from What’s the 411? up through No More Drama. Oddly, no studio work after 2001 is included in no particular order, which means somebody else concurs with my "Pain = Good Music" theory. This mix contains a staggering 93 (!) tracks, but is well paced so you never get tired of any track. Put this on your iPod now and throw it on when your brother-in-law comes over and hijacks your cookout soundtrack with a bunch of Harold Melvin crap. Ok, maybe that's just me.

Cop it now. And if you're somehow unaware of the awesomeness that is, you might wanna get familiar. Lots of good, free music there erryday.

Bonus: Since this is a Sunday, and you might be one of the 4 remaining people who haven't already seen it, peep Meet The Press host David Gregory CHIN.

Now that, my friends, is some funny ish'.

Question: Do you think Mary J. has lost her edge since she found love? Any other notable artists who've fallen in the same rut?

Thursday Throwback: Mary J. Blige Mixtape [Kev Nottingham]

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