As you guys know, my posts are periodically published elsewhere on the web on a number of other sites. Seldom do I find myself as excited about new opportunites as the one my cyber cousin The Black Snob recently pulled me into.
The Retort (, which just launched today, is the place for political discourse and plenty of "talking back" on black representation in the media. The site will kick off with CNN's latest installment of Black In America. Last year the cable network premiered the controversial series to much fanfare and derision. Reported on and hosted by CNN correspondent Soledad O'Brien, many criticized the series for having a detached, anthropological approach to black culture. But was this critique warranted? Was it a true-to-form examination of black life, or was it a primer for the uninitiated? What was CNN's motivation? How could they make it better? Or was it necessary at all?
These questions, along with critical analysis, satire and more, will be answered on The Retort, featuring the work of bloggers Jay Anderson (that's me) of AverageBro, Danielle Belton of The Black Snob, Christopher Chambers of Nat Turner's Revenge, Cheryl Contee of Jack & Jill Politics, Charles D. Ellison of The Ellison Report, Gina McCauley of Michelle Obama Watch and What About Our Daughters, Vernon Mitchell Jr. of Negro Intellectual, Baratunde Thurston of Jack & Jill Politics, Lamar Tyler of Black and Married With Kids, Elon James White of This Week In Blackness, Poet, writer Bassey Ikpi and more. I'll contribute pieces on a regular basis, as we expand the offerings of this site.
The Retort will take a critical eye to the representation of blacks in the media. It's also a chance for you to sound off on your opinions.
It's time to stop being silent and start talking back on The Retort. The time to speak up is now.
The Black Retort [Website]
Monday, July 6, 2009
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