Seriously, look at all the black bodies he's piled up. Rebb'n Wright. Jesse Jackson. Ludacris. Van Jones. Kanye West.
Is this Barack Hussein Obama or Omar Devone Little?!?
Add one more to the list.
President Obama is urging embattled New York Gov. David Paterson to not seek a full term, according to a published report Saturday.Seriously, what in the ham sammich is Obama doing meddling around in state politricks? Does yet another black man really need Obama's Bruno Magli-print on his backside? I know that Paterson's doing about as poor a job with a high profile New York job as any Negro this side of Isaiah Lord Thomas, but how silly does it look to call him (one of only 2 black governors) out?[1] And how come we don't see Obama lay the smackdown on no White dudes? Evar?
Obama's action apparently was prompted by fears that the unpopular governor could prove a liability to other Democrats running for Congress or the state Legislature next fall, according to the New York Times.
The newspaper credited but did not name two senior administration officials and a New York Democratic operative for the information. The Times said the president's request was passed on to Paterson by Rep. Gregory W. Meeks, a Democrat from Queens, who has a strong relationship with the governor.
Neither Paterson nor aides responded to requests for comment Saturday.
The former lieutenant governor is widely viewed as an ineffective leader and one reason the state's government has experienced gridlock for much of this year.
In a Quinnipiac poll last month, voters gave him an approval rating of 30%, the newspaper said.
I know, some of you will say he tossed Officer Crowley under the bus, but he actually didn't. And, unlike any of the other protagonists, he came back and apologized publicly to Crowley.
Louis Farrakhan? Uh, not so much.
Even "Magic" Mike Steele agrees that Obama is on some ole' bullsh*t.
And Magic Mike is post-racial, so you know Obama is stickin' it to the brothaman.
Who knows, maybe Obama really just wants to give an electable Dem a shot in 2010. Or maybe this is some roundabout way of getting back at Paterson for that Caroline Kennedy stunts, and pulling his name into the governor's recent spiel about his own slipping approval ratings. Either way, it strikes me as wasting time on something incredibly menial when you're clearly got bigger trout to fry.
I say most of this tongue in cheek, so I sure hope ya'll don't get all bent outta shape about it. But it does show, in a round about way, just how fine a racial line the President must walk, even in post-racial America.
If you're White, you're alright. If you Black, get back.
Question: Should the President be wading in the murky waters of statewide politricks? How likely is it that Obama would tell a White Governor to Go Sit Down?!? Can you name any White folks Obama's thrown under the bus? Did I leave any Black folks out of my list?
Obama urges Paterson to quit governor race, report says [LA Times]
[1] Deval Patrick, watch your back, homey.