Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Beck Tells Palin To Go Sit Down And Bake Him Some Cookies. Conservatives Look The Other Way.

We all know that the number one objective of wingnut media is defending Ms. Sarah's honor. Tomes have been written about how badly she was treated by the "LameStream Media" last fall, even though it should be noted that most of the slights against her came from her own McCain campaign handlers. But intraparty bickering doesn't sound nearly as good as imaginary attacks from some "Ivy League, East coast, liberal elitists".

Nobody better say nuthin' bad bout' Ms. Sarah.

So, imagine the surprise when current wingnut in chief Glenn Beck had the nerve to actually put Ms. Sarah in her place last week. You'd think the teabaggers would be calling for this guy's head by now, right?
If Glenn Beck makes a White House run in 2012 with Sarah Palin, his name has to come first, the firebrand broadcaster said.

Palin was recently asked if she would consider Beck as a running mate and said she considered him "a hoot," a characterization Beck took issue with on his Wednesday radio show.

"I don't think things are hoots," Beck said. "I don't. I don't think it's a hoot. I would never use the word hoot, and I respectfully ask that every time my name is brought up she would stop using the word 'hoot.'"

And anyway, Beck said, real men don't take a back seat to chicks.

"I'm just saying, Beck-Palin, I'll consider," Beck said. "But Palin-Beck—can you imagine, can you imagine what an administration with the two of us would be like? What? Come on! She'd be yapping or something, and I'd say, 'I'm sorry, why am I hearing your voice? I'm not in the kitchen.'

"I mean, you'd have to live up to the evil conservative stereotypes, you'd have no choice, you'd have to. Look, I talked to the woman about it, I don't even know what she was saying."

Beck's tongue-in-cheek misogynistic rant continued, ensureing that even with a woman on his ticket he will not get the votes of any women should he run.

"Can you imagine what an administration with the two of us would be like? Come on!" Beck said. "She'd be yapping or something and I'd say, 'I'm sorry, why am I hearing your voice? I'm not in the kitchen.' I mean, you'd have to live up to the evil conservative stereotypes, you'd have no choice."
Here's the video.


So, dude pulls the sexist trifeca of telling a woman to get in her place (Veep), stop yappin', and stay in the kitchen. As of this morning, the story was barely registering a blip on the Google News radar, and hadn't been covered by Conservative media outlets at all.

Where is the faux outrage?!?

Question: Is there a double standard of some sort going on here?

Beck: Palin's Place is in Kitchen, 2012 VP Slot [NBC]

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