New Rule: In the Dub-Dime (2010 for the chronically unhip), anytime Negroes do something dumb, I am yelling "Where Is Obama?!?". Since it's currently en vogue to blame the man for damn near everything, why not coin a catchphrase to encapsulate this "pass the buck" mentality?
If you've been following me on AverageTwitter (and seriously, why aren't you?) you know I've been running this phrase into the ground for more than a month already. But do you know where the term originated? If not, feast your eyes, and fantasize. The money shot comes around the 1:25 mark, just in case you want to spare your ears.
Just a bit of backstory, this woman is expressing her outrage at the lack of direct action from the President to intercede on the behalf of her brother, the esteemed New Orleans rapper Corey "C-Murder" Miller. Nevermind the fact that "C-Murder" killed a 16 year-old fan. Nevermind the fact that there were witnesses who said
C-Murder" committed the crime. Nevermind the fact that surveillance video also said "C-Murder" murked a teenager.
Nope, "Where Is Washington!?!? Where Is Barack?!?"
Thus, a simple catchphrase, "Where Is Obama?!?" was born.
And now you know.
Friday, January 8, 2010
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