It's 3 Play Thursday. Today: Human Beatbox Pioneer and Rap Legend Doug E. Fresh.
Anyone who came of age during the 80's is surely familiar with the vocal stylings of Douglas E. Davis, the artist better known as Doug E. Fresh. An originator of the spit flying artform known as the Human Beatbox, Doug E. and Slick Rick combined for the epic Teddy Riley production "The Show" and the equally historic "La Di Da Di". Any black person who rode a public school bus during the Greatest Decade Evar should known both of these songs backwards and in pig latin by heart. That, to me, is the standard Negro Litmus Test.
While Fresh's career predictably tailed off in later years, he's one of the few 80's rap artists who is still visible, often opening for comedians like Chris Rock and Mike Epps, and he's a noted member of the Church of Scientology. Bet you didn't know that.
Here's a few of my favorite Doug E. Fresh tunes.
"The Show" ft. The Get Fresh Crew
Okay, sing along. Tell me how much of this song you can recite from memory without consulting The Google. If you're not batting at a 90% clip, I am going to need that Ghetto Pass back, pronto.
"La Di Da Di"
Same story here. If you can't get 95% of these right, you better be a 90's Baby.
"Keep Rising To The Top"
As much as my cousins and I clowned Doug E. for these very suspect biker shorts, I think everyone remembers this edition of Showtime At The Apollo.
Question: How much of "La Di Da Di" and "The Show" can you recite without help? What's your favorite Doug E. Fresh tune?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
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