Step One in the meticulously choreographed Tiger Woods "Please Gimme My Endorsements Back!" Redemption Tour begins today with a "press conference" in Florida. Why anyone considers a sterile PR flack-written apology, and no followup questions from media a "press conference" is beyond me, but obviously Tiger's image makers know what they're doing. By the time he wins his first major, all this will be a distant memory.
Since I'm still OOTO, consider this an open forum. I know ya'll will be tuning in and clogging company networks nationwide, so be sure to drop by here and give your two cents on the "presser", how Tiger came across, and what's next for everyone's favorite Cabinasian.
Question: How did Tiger do? Was he honest and humbled, or just very well choreographed? What's next?
Friday, February 19, 2010
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