[Editor's Note: My main man Max Reddick gives a sideye to the NFL for shafting a Rhodes Scholar. I couldn't have said this better myself. Show our guest some love you-know-where.]
Allow me to take the time to introduce you to Myron Rolle. Mr. Rolle is a young, African American man, and scholar/athlete who we should all be very proud of; he is perhaps one of the best this country has to offer.
As a student at Florida State University, Rolle finished his degree in Exercise Science in two and a half years with a GPA of 3.75, and then immediately began pursuing a master’s degree in public administration. As an athlete, he is just as incredibly gifted and started on the Florida State University football team at safety for three years, winning both All-Academic and All-American honors.
Despite his incredible intellectual and athletic gifts, though, in the most recent NFL draft, no team chose Rolle until the sixth round which was a major disappointment being that if he had left school last year, he had been projected to be chosen in the top forty-nine players.
So, why did Rolle fall so far in the draft? You see, Myron Rolle has an incredible character problem.
The first hint of his character problem came in the fall of 2008. His team was scheduled to play the University of Maryland, but the date of the game coincided with his chance-of-a-lifetime to compete for the honor of being a prestigious Rhodes Scholar. So, what did Rolle do?
He decided to go to the interview, and after the interview was complete, he took a chartered plan to Maryland to catch up with his team. He arrived late, but he still arrived in time to play in the game. Of course, this started tongues a-wagging, as prognosticators across football-dom began to question his commitment to football. How dare he miss a football game for something so petty as a Rhodes Scholar interview?
And if you think people were shocked that he should do such a thing then, they had to just pick themselves up off the floor when it was announced that he was one out of thirty-two young people in the country to be awarded the Rhodes scholarship, and not only that, he later announced that he would forego the 2009 NFL draft and the chance to make millions with just the stroke of a pen just to attend school at the renowned Oxford University in England.
What? Just the thought of that! And because of that, he fell from the top forty-nine to the six round of the draft, costing himself millions of dollars in the exchange. The NFL establishment actively questioned his character in a round about way. One NFL coach even asked him during an interview, "How does it feel to have deserted your team back in Maryland?".
Allow me to ask you a question, please. Ain’t this the biggest crock of poo you have ever seen in your life? With all the personal and character problems professional athletes are having these days, the NFL should welcome a young man like Myron Rolle.
But I don’t blame the NFL; I blame Rolle because he went about the whole thing wrong. When he came back from England, the first thing he should have done was to cover himself from head to toe with garish tattoos, and by all means, quit speaking that good English, using complete sentences and stuff.
Next he should have gone somewhere in a public place and gotten pissy drunk, then shown the first available group of young college co-eds his penis. Maybe he could even have roughed on or two of them up so they would know he was serious. Then as a finale, he should have gotten caught smoking crack in a hot tub full of hookers.
I’m willing to bet your dime to my dollar that then the NFL establishment would have welcomed him with chants of “ONE OF US!, ONE OF US!”, and then the questions of whether are not he had the type of character which would allow him to fit in with the rest of the league would have been answered.
Question: Did Myron Rolle's stock fall because the NFL thinks he's more interested in school than touchdowns?
More from Max Reddick [SoulBrother v2.0]
Monday, May 3, 2010
AB.com Guest Post - The Problem With Myron Rolle.
Tags Popped: AB Guest Post, NBA = Nuthin' But Africans, That Sh*t Is Racist, You Must Learn
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