Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rebb'n Wright Says Obama Threw Him Under The Bus? Negro Please.

Among my many fine talents is an impeccable Reverend Jeremiah Wright impersonation. Two years after the Rebb'n came on the scene, at least one family member corners me and makes me do this each and every time I have a cookout or fight party. I don't know how accurate it is, but they seem to be enjoy it, so I must be spot-on. Remind me to show ya'll sometime.

Anyways, just when you thought he'd sailed off into the sunset, along with the cast of other election year characters (Joe The Plumber, Geraldine Ferraro, Sarah Pal...), Wright resurfaces, and yeah, he's talkin' reckless yet again.
The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's controversial former pastor, said in a letter obtained by The Associated Press that he is "toxic" to the Obama administration and that the president "threw me under the bus."

In his strongest language to date about the administration's 2-year-old rift with the Chicago pastor, Wright told a group raising money for African relief that his pleas to release frozen funds for use in earthquake-ravaged Haiti would likely be ignored.

"No one in the Obama administration will respond to me, listen to me, talk to me or read anything that I write to them. I am 'toxic' in terms of the Obama administration," Wright wrote the president of Africa 6000 International earlier this year.

"I am 'radioactive,' Sir. When Obama threw me under the bus, he threw me under the bus literally!" he wrote. "Any advice that I offer is going to be taken as something to be avoided. Please understand that!"

The White House didn't respond to requests for comment Monday about Wright's remarks. Several phone messages left by the AP for Wright at the Trinity United Church of Christ, where he is listed as a pastor emeritus, were not returned.

Then-Sen. Obama cut ties with Wright when his more incendiary remarks became an Internet sensation in the spring of 2008. At a National Press Club appearance in April 2008, he claimed the U.S. government could plant AIDS in the black community, praised Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and suggested Obama was putting his pastor at arm's length for political purposes while privately agreeing with him.

Obama denounced Wright as "divisive and destructive" and later cut ties to the pastor altogether and left Wright's church.
Is this Negro for real? He thinks Obama threw him under the bus? Does he not forget practically flinging himself under the bus with his amateur night at the Apollo routine at the National Press Club? Regardless of your opinion on Wright (I thought he was misunderstood and taken out of context) to that point, most people (including Obama) understandably abandoned ship when they witnessed this minstrel show.

I mean, come on, man! You threw up the freakin' Omega sign at a press conference?[1] What person running for President would co-sign or try and defend that sorta nonsense? Negro Please.

Go. Sit. Down.

Question: Was Rebb'n Wright tossed under the bus by Obama or did he have it coming?

Ex-Obama pastor: 'Obama threw me under the bus' [AP]

[1] To Rebb'n Wright's credit: at least he didn't bark.

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