This is the post I've been waiting to write since... basically forever.
Ya'll know I've been on my blogger grizzly for nearly 4 years now. It's an often thankless task. Although I certainly love the comments and occasional perks, reality is blogging's really just a fun (albeit time-consuming) hobby. There's no money (other than ad revenue) to be made, no tangible reward for the ideas you spend hours formulating before finally putting them out in cyberspace. I've been cool with this, but somewhere in the back of my head, there's always been the desire to somehow turn this creative outlet into something more.
I'm happy to note that I was recently added to the roster of bloggers for the AOL BlackVoices family of sites, including BVOnMoney and TheBVX. If you're somehow clueless about BV, you might wanna get familiar. If there's a megasite that truly has the urban blogging game on lock, it would be BV, and I'm both ecstatic and honored to join the team. I'll be blogging about financial issues and politricks (as usual) initially, and if things go well I'll hopefully have the opportunity to branch out into a wider array of topics over time. Either way, it's a great (and sorta big) deal.
I know what you're thinking: What about!?
You'll be happy to know that I have no intentions of abandoning this site. There'll probably be a marginal slowdown as I get myself up to speed with my 3 posts/week schedule over at BV, so be patient. In the meantime, expect shorter posts here as I try and balance all this, along with a tough new assignment on The Day Job, and of course, a wife and two kids. Where I'll find time for this I have no idea, but I thank you guys for your part in this. Without readers, and comments, there's no was this blog becomes an award winning site, and no way I end up with an opportunity to make some solid walkin'-around money courtesy of a multinational media conglomerate. So thanks for all that.
Additionally, I'd like to thank my wife for giving me the time and space to keep up this blog. I'd also like to thank my new bosses Alexis Stodghill and Tim Cornwell for the opportunity, as well as Laura and Abena at AOL for helping me get noticed. Finally, props to the homie (and new colleague) Mason Jamal for everything he did to help. Appreciate it.
My first post dropped Friday. Go peep that. I'll drop links here when new posts go up over there.
Write On.
- Jay
Monday, September 20, 2010
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