Yeah, I said it. Sharron Angle wants families with autistic kids and women taking maternity leave to foot their own bill.
"Autism" is no laughing matter, nor is it something worthy of "air quotes". It is a serious health epidemic now effecting about 1% of US kids and growing. Treatment for the various spectrum disorders can be as much as $50,000 a year. No parent with an autistic kid is trying to game the system, you ignorant b*tch, they're merely trying to get the same government assistance any other person with a disability would.
Likewise, no woman should be forced to choose between the financial ruin of taking unpaid time off to have a baby, and keeping her job. Maternity leave isn't something that should be "left up to the states to decide" you stupid floozy! Of course, Angle also once said that women who are victims of incest and become pregnant should just "make lemonade out of lemons" and have the baby anyway. This is really just par for the course with her.
And to think this woman's actually ahead in the polls right now. Jesus, help us all. Nevada, if you elect this ingrate to the US Senate, you deserve that you get.
Question: What the hell is wrong with this woman, and what the hell is wrong with Nevadans?