Damn that Antoine Dodson! He can't seem to keep himself off the internets, awards shows, and now, political attack ads? F'real?
So, not only is Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell a witch, she's also dumb enough to take the tagline from a viral video and use it to attack her opponent? Wow. Just. Wow.
Good luck with that one, Delawarians.
Question: Is using the "Dey Rapin' Errybody" tagline in a political ad the stoopidest thing you've seen this year, or savvy marketing?
* Hat Tip to The Black Snob
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Possibly The Worst Political Attack Ad Evar?!?
Tags Popped: Negro Nonsense, PoliTricks as Usual, Web Junk, White Men Gone Wild
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