Editor's Note: Uh, just make that 11.11. And before you ask, no, I haven't been sleeping well lately. I guess I could just put this post back in draft mode and save it for another year, or, I could tuck my head between my legs now and just hit the freakin' Publish Post button already.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
This isn't even a post, I just wanted a placeholder marking this unique date. If you've got a child born, or God forbid, happen to be getting married today, rejoice. I don't think it's humanly possible to forget 11.11.1110.
Editor's Note: Uh, just make that 11.11. And before you ask, no, I haven't been sleeping well lately. I guess I could just put this post back in draft mode and save it for another year, or, I could tuck my head between my legs now and just hit the freakin' Publish Post button already.
Editor's Note: Uh, just make that 11.11. And before you ask, no, I haven't been sleeping well lately. I guess I could just put this post back in draft mode and save it for another year, or, I could tuck my head between my legs now and just hit the freakin' Publish Post button already.
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