Tuesday, November 9, 2010

AB.com Open Mic - 11.9.11

Ya'll know the drill. I have a real Day Job and customer deadlines don't care about blogs, so ya'll are on your own. Anyways, ya'll throw some topics at each other and see what sticks. Here's a few to get you started:

We On A World Tour, With Obama My Man - The haters can't help themselves. Obama takes the wife on a 10 day tour of the Middle East/Asia, and "the opposition" is so desperate for straws to grasp at that they cook up a total and complete lie about the trip costing $2B. Yeah, that bipartisan, compromise stuff's gonna work out just fine.

For Colored Girls - The movie's been bashed by critics as depressing and boring. It still hauled in $21M opening weekend. Did you see it?

Mike Vick's Comeback - Maybe jail does work.

Lil' Wayne's Comeback - Maybe not.

T.I.'s Goback - Ok, definitely not.

In the meantime, if you wanna peep what I've been up to over on AOL BlackVoices, go here.

Question: What's on your mind today?

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