Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Makes It To The Big Leagues (Again) !!!

About six months ago, I told ya'll about my new (for pay) side-gig over at AOL BlackVoices. In the time since, I've gone on to pen several stories for the site, and it's been a great opportunity for exposure to a very different audience of readers.

As the adage goes, when it rains it pours. I'm truly blessed to announce that I've now got yet another (paying) side gig, this time as a columnist at TheLoop21!!!

You probably already noticed the site's icon on the left sidebar, which I discreetly dropped over there last week. While I typically write opinion pieces with a financial bent over at BlackVoices, my stories for TheLoop21 will mostly be political in nature. There's not really much of an overlap between the two opportunities, so I can basically do them both. I'd like to thank my cybercousin Danielle Belton (aka: The Black Snob), who is now the fulltime Money & Politics Editor at TheLoop21, for giving me this great opportunity.

I know what you're wondering: What does this mean for!?

Well, I'd like to tell you that this blog will be continually updated, but reality is, now with two (paying!!!) side-gigs in addition to a real Day Job and a family, something is finally gonna have to give, and it will probably be this blog. It's sad, but it's true. You've probably already seen a slowdown in the frequency and length of posts in recent weeks. It's not the end of this blog by any means, I'm simply shifting much of the content that would typically show up here to my other (paying!) opportunities.

I hope everyone understands, and most importantly, follows my work on the other sites. I'll try and make a habit of dropping links to new stories here once they're published, but you can always just follow me at BlackVoices here, and on TheLoop21 here.

- Jay

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