Here's the daily rundown.
Debt Ceiling Manuvering - At this point, who knows how this thing will be resolved? And who cares? What's increasingly obvious is that the GOP is willing to punt on working with Obama on a deal, simply because they want rich people to keep their hard-earned tax cuts, even if it means the country going into default. Call me nuts, but $3T in decreased spending in return for $1T in tax cuts seems like a fair deal where I come from. Then again, this clearly isn't about the deficit. Or tax cuts. Or spending. This is all about November 2012. If you had any doubts about the GOP's true motives, there you have it.
NFL Lockout - Looks like both sides have struck a deal, and the season will be spared. I guess this is good, since it means we'll have pro football in the Fall. On the flipside, it makes the NBA's labor strife look that much more pathetic.
News Corp Hacking Scandal - Maybe I'm the only one, but it's hard to feign interest in this scandal until I see some link to News Corp/Fox News in the US. As is, a bunch of Brits having their cell phones hacked by a tabloid simply isn't interesting on any level.
AB On The Hip Hip Digest Show - I was in studio for the taping of my favorite podcast over the weekend. Go have a listen.
Question: What do you think about these issues?
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
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