In case you couldn't already tell, it's one of those stretches for me. Last week I was out sick, this week I'm digging myself out (and back on the road). But of course, this is you guys blog, so thanks for running with the Open Mics and making it happen. Regular scheduled nonsense will return soon.
In the meantime, here's a handful of interesting political stories to chew on.
Van Jones Hits White House For ‘Sit Down, Shut Up, We’ll Take Care Of It’ Attitude [Mediaite] - Interesting take on basically the same thing I've been saying here for weeks.
Herman Cain the GOP believes In [WashPost] - A poorly reasoned explanation for Herman Cain's race-free ascent to the top of the GOP polls by cable news pundit Ron Christie. I mean, really, this is just awful.
The GOP’s cynical embrace of Herman Cain [WashPost] - William Jelani Cobb's far more insightful take on the same subject.
Bill Maher Doesn’t Think ESPN Should Have Fired Hank Williams Jr. [Mediaite] - Yeah, whatever. Maher's shtick is so tiring at this point...
Herman Cain's "999 Plan": The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly [FreedomWorks] - Tea Party website basically slams Cain's signature plan.
CNN’s Candy Crowley To Rep. Bachmann: ‘It Appears That Your Campaign Is Imploding’ [Mediaite] - Well no sh*t Sherlock.
Lawrence O’Donnell’s Racially Charged Attacks A Political Gift To Herman Cain [Mediaite] - Not sure if anyone else saw this, but it was pretty disgusting, and I'm glad O'Donnell was basically forced to apologize.
Joe The Plumber Is Back And Filing For A House Run In Ohio [The Hill] - No, really. This is happening. What's Tito The Builder running for?
Question: Any thoughts on these stories?
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
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