Here's the daily rundown, with headlines taken from links you sent in/suggested.
The NBA Lockout Is Finally Over!!! - Okay, who was I kidding? I'll be back. Trying to watch hockey and college basketball to fill the void wasn't working. #LetUsPlay
Michelle Bachmann vs The Roots - I thought Jimmy Fallon's house band did a grave disservice to themselves and Rep. Bachmann with that classless intro they gave her last week. Under no circumstances is it okay to refer to a woman as a "b*tch". Period.
That said, Bachmann is milking this one waaaay too much, angling for an apology from the President of NBC. She's now using this unfortunate incident as a political ploy. Which is in some ways, almost as nauseating as The Roots initial infraction.
Black Friday Fisticuffs - I've yet to truly comprehend why people get out of bed at 2am to go stand in line for hours, all just to save $15 off a blender, but 226M Americans opened their wallets on Black Friday, making this the biggest spending weekend of all time. Recession? What recession?!?
Question: What do you think about these issues?
Monday, November 28, 2011
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