You hate giving people credit for sh*t they're supposed to do[1] but many will recall John McCain's admonition of a woman who referred to President Obama as a Muslim back in 08'. During a campaign in which McCain's running mate was delivering daily stump speeches about Obama "paling around with terrorists", this stuck out as a particularly classy moment, even though it really shouldn't have been.
So when I watched GOP back-runner Rick Santorum come face to face with his very one "Crash" moment yesterday, I expected the same. Cause, you know, Santorum actually worked alongside Obama in the Senate, and he's supposedly Mr. Family Values and whatnot.
Asked about this incident later, Santorum basically said it wasn't his job to correct birthers (although he's notably done so before) and that the President could do that himself because he's "a big boy". Really.
Come one, Rick, would it really have hurt you to do the right thing here? What Would Jesus Do?
And by "Jesus", I mean Ronald Reagan.
On second thought, since correcting this woman prolly woulda done more harm than good, "Jesus" prolly wouldn't have done sh*t either.
Nice job, Santorum. Classy!
Question: Does it disturb you that GOP candidates continue to play this game of cat & mouse with racial politricks?
[1] "Supposed to do" meaning, that's what decent people do.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
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