Monday, February 27, 2012

Mitt Romney's Wife Has A Couple Of Cadillacs. Should We Really Care?!?

A huge "meh" IMHO, but hey, discuss anyway.
In a tight race to win the Michigan primary, U.S. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney strongly defended his wealth Sunday and challenged voters to support someone else if they did not like his success.

Romney, who is worth an estimated $250 million (U.S.), has been accused of being out of touch with most Americans’ economic struggles.

The issue could be crucial in Tuesday’s vote in Michigan, the state where Romney grew up but faces a tough fight after opposing President Barack Obama’s bailout of the U.S. auto industry.

Romney’s main rival in the state is Rick Santorum, who has presented himself as a blue-collar Republican.

Romney stood by his remark on Friday that his wife drives “a couple of Cadillacs.” It was a reminder of the challenges he faces in trying to win over voters struggling with high unemployment and hard times.

“I’m not perfect. I just am who I am,” Romney said on Fox News Sunday when asked about the comment.

“We have a car that we have in California. And we got a car that we have back in Boston, where our other home is. That’s just the way it is.”

“If people think there’s something wrong with being successful in America, then they better vote for the other guy. Because I’ve been extraordinarily successful, and I want to use that success and that know-how to help the American people.”

Romney has faced an unexpectedly tough fight to win the primary in Michigan, where his father was governor in the 1960s. An average of polling data by RealClearPolitics showed him with just a 2-point lead there over Santorum.
Here's the vid.

I say this is no biggie. Rich people do rich things, and Mittens is a rich person. I'd be quite honestly shocked if his wife didn't have two of the same car. They're just bi coastal like that. So, basically, who cares. I'm more concerned about his dimwitted tax and economic policy that's only going to drive us further in debt.

What say ye?!?

Question: Is this really that big a deal?!?

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