Happy President's Day. Hopefully you aren't working. I am, but then again, I could be unemployed, so who's complaining?!?
Anyways, since we're on the topic of Presidents, I found a skit on this weekend's edition of SNL particularly interesting, given the recent rise in President Obama's approval rating. He is now viewed favorably by virtually every demographic group, except Republicans of course. And as always, his numbers in the black community are strong. But what would it take for Black folks to abandon the Obama Ship? SNL's two resident black guys, and honorary black-ish alum took on this topic in typical hit-and-miss SNL fashion.
Yeah, this coulda been (much!) funnier, but it does raise an interesting premise that I've discussed here before. Since I'm being lazy, why not revisit the question?
Question: What would it take for Black Americans to abandon Obama?!?
Monday, February 20, 2012
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